Thursday, April 4, 2019

Is it a want or a request?.. Prayer changes things. ... We have all heard this and hopefully most of us will attest to its validity, prayer DOES change things. Does it give us the exact outcome or solution we want every time? Not exactly. ...BUT it changes us on the inside if we are willing. Think about it, if we pray with the willingness to accept God's plan as our desired answer instead of a specific outcome then things change. I have learned to pray to WANT what it GET instead of GET what I think I WANT… So instead of praying "God let me win the lottery”.... try praying for God to give you financial provisions and wisdom to be a good steward of the money that comes through your labor....Check your experience. ... "....praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out." Big Book pg 59 Lord let our hearts be willing to accept your answers when we come to you in prayer, AMEN "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God…will guard your hearts and minds." Philippians 4:6-7Have a blessed day y’all! Furniture Bank helps many folks with a HAND –UP as they work with various organizations to gain skills and jobs to escape homelessness and, helplessness to gain self-respect and self-sustainability!! Your gifts, donations, prayers, and financial support make this possible! Families, veterans, elderly, physically and mentally challenged, as well as others can enjoy homes filled with furniture and furnishings as they rebuild their lives. MAKE A DIFFERENCE! ALL donations to Furniture Bank are TAX DEDUCTIBLE and 100% goes toward helping the families, veterans, elderly, and other individuals in need. You can donate any amount for a tax deduction and tax receipt, BUT…. a gift of either $400 as an individual or $800 as a couple to Furniture Bank, Inc. a 501c3 public charity, can also reduce your tax bill to the State of Arizona by that amount dollar for dollar! It’s easy and you can make a big difference on how Furniture Bank can further help our families and individuals in need.

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  If you can't see it, then BE it!..  Here is a suggestion.  Think about this and try it today and this week!  While going about your no...